Any building that had been constructed on the Age of Faith board could
potentially be destroyed by the time shadow of a building constructed
during the Age of Might when it ripples. It had never really existed in
the new reality.
The rippling of a Military or Religious building is forbidden in
two instances:
• If a Military or Religious building, constructed on the Age of Might
violates the Rule of Dominion
on the Age of Faith board, the
building does not cast a shadow and the building is not rippled. The
Age of Faith in this instance defies Might.
• If a Military or Religious building, constructed on the
Age of Might
board violates the Rule of Hierarchy
on the Age of Faith board, the building does not cast a
shadow and the building is not rippled. The Age of Faith
in this instance overrules of the Age of Might.
Note: the fact that a building cannot be rippled forward to the Age of
Faith does not impede its construction on the Age of Might board.
The rippling of a Civil building through time might create the junction
(C-a. Connecting two domains)
or the division
(C-b. Dividing domains)
of two domains on the same board. The Hierarchical implications of
all ripples must therefore be verified by the player constructing the
- C
Whenever a civil building, during a construction or upgrade, links
domains, a junction is created.
When a junction takes place,
the Hierarchical rule must be respected
the most prestigious (of highest value) Military and Religious buildings
must be unique within this new, larger domain. In the event that there is
more than one prestigious building:
During the Age of Might :
The player provoking the junction calculates the Military power of
the original domains (meaning the sum of the values of all Military
buildings) no matter who the owner of those buildings is individually.
If one domain is more powerful than the others
, the buildings within
the weaker domains are downsized. (
See Downsizing a building)
In the event of equal power
, the building(s) to be downsized would be
in priority those of the
player who caused the junction
or if the player
has no building affected by the violation of the Hierarchical rule, the
building the player chooses.
The player proceeds in the same manner if the Hierarchical rule is not
respected for Religious buildings.
During the Age of Faith :
The procedure is identical but the player who has provoked the junction
verifies the Rule of Hierarchy for the Religious buildings first, then the
Military buildings.
During the Age of Reason:
The Rule of Hierarchy does not apply.
Downsizing means that a military or religious building is changed to
the directly inferior smaller version of the same type (and the smaller
one if that stage of tile is no longer in stock). The building must be
placed on squares occupied by the older version of the building, the
choice being up to its owner, without any further constraints.
Downsizing destroys size 1 buildings (Watch Towers, and Chapels).
After downsizing, it is possible that the original domain becomes
divided into two separate domains.
C- D
The blue player’s Monastery, constructed on the Age of Might board, is
not rippled forward to the Faith board because the rippled building would
violate the Rule of Dominion that prohibits the junction of domains by the
creation of a Religious or Military building.
The blue player’s Monastery, constructed on the Age of
Might board, is not rippled forward to the Age of Faith
board because it would violate the Rule of Hierarchy that
requires that the largest Religious or Military building be
unique within the domain.
The Red player uses Civil Construction cards to build a Hamlet and thusly creates the
junction between two domains on the Age of Might board. Two Keeps are now present within
the new domain, which is contrary to the Rule of Hierarchy.
The Military power of the domain to the left beats the domain to the right 3 to 2. The White
player’s Keep is downsized to a Watch Tower. The Keep is removed from the three games
boards and the Watch Tower is placed on ONE OF THE FOUR squares occupied by the
defeated Keep.