Rinnai New Zealand
Infi nity Solar 20 & 24 Op / Install: 02-08
Recess Box
When installing a Rinnai Infi nity continuous fl ow hot water heater in a new home or renovation,
it is a great idea to allow for a recess box to be included at the construction stage. These boxes
allow you to literally recess the appliance into the cavity of the wall saving precious space. In
addition they virtually hide your hot water system altogether.
All boxes and covers are suitable for painting to blend in with the exterior of your home.
Pipe Cover
Pipe covers are recommended as the fi nishing touch to a Rinnai Infi nity continuous fl ow hot
water heater installation. Basically the covers are designed to hide the plumbing pipework and
valves. These are particularly popular in installations where the unit is permanently visible to
the occupants of the house. The cover can be easily attached to the appliance and two pipe
covers can be joined together for longer pipework if necessary.
Security Bracket
Prevent theft by securing your Rinnai continuous fl ow hot water heater with our custom
security bracket, easily installed it covers the lower mounting bracket of the appliance to
create a tamper proof installation.
Sideways Flue Diverter
Designed to redirect fl ue products when the water heater is installed on a balcony, this product
is available for selected models only.
Contact Rinnai for further information about our accessory range and model suitability details.