In order to keep exhaust emissions as low as
possible, we would ask you to keep to the following
starting instructions.
If the fire and chimney are still cold or if there is
atmospheric low pressure, then burning some paper
at the start is recommended, in order to “drive” the
cold out of the fire and chimney. To start heating
first lay untreated paper on the floor of the
combustion chamber, on top of that 0.5 kg soft
wood chip and 1 kg wood (3 small billets). Pull the
shaker grate handle (Part II) out completely and
open the primary (Part I) and secondary air slide
(Part III)
Please do not use glossy paper or paper from
magazines. It does not burn well and the print colours
produce very poisonous substances in the flue gas.
Now light the paper. Wait until the soft wood chips
are burning well. Close the shaker grate handle and
the primary air slide a few minutes later. Set the
secondary air slide to the ideal setting a few minutes
After this has burned, lay approx 1.6 kg wood (3
billets) on the fire. Open the shaker grate handle
and the primary air slide until the wood is burning
well (approx. 2 mins). The secondary sir slide
remains in the ideal setting. Proceed in the same
manner for each further layer.
The mineral parts of the wood (approx. 1%) remain
on the bottom of the combustion chamber as
combustion residue.
This ash is – because it is a natural product
- an excellent fertiliser for all plants in the garden.
However the ash should be left to settle beforehand
and doused with water.