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2. Installation Steps:
Assembling Your Bike
2.1 Fork/Headset Assembly
Check wire and cable routing before installing fork in headtube. Compare to video or pictures in
manual or on our website.
Make sure your fork is not on backwards. The brake goes on the left.
Slide the fork steerer tube through the headtube.
Ensure the sealed bearings are in place on the top and bottom of the headtube.
Place the split (plastic) compression ring down in place (A). The lip of the compression ring
should fit in between the steerer tube and the upper headset bearing (the compression ring is
the only split ring).
Install the cone or angled spacer with the rubber dust cover on the bottom (B).
Install the two 10mm spacers.
Check the routing of the cables again before installing stem with handlebars. You may need to
flip your handlebars for proper routing. Slowly slide the stem onto the fork steerer tube. (D).
Installing the top cap and bolt:
Pull the fork up so it is properly seated against the bearings and push the stem down to
increase pressure on the headset.
Place the top cap on top of the stem and carefully tighten the compression bolt until you
feel some resistance when rotating the stem. (Do not over tighten or you will cause the
star nut in the fork steerer tube to come out)