Figure 4 Parameter menu
Operation and parameter instruction
Via following operation, enter sub menu(parameter menu) shown in Figure 4
In main menu, chick 1/6 function button into corresponding parameter
In sub menu(page), chick main item on the left side of displayer, can shift
to corresponding sub menu(page) quickly.
Set DMX Address
Click and select the "ADDR", can enter the page of DMX address setting, range
from 1 to 512, the address code shouldn’t is not greater than (512- channels
quantity), otherwise the light will not been controlled. Following is the operation:
Enter the page of DMX address, as shown in Figure 5, click the blank area in
right side of display will pop-up diglog as in Fig. 4, modify value, then click
‘ENTER’ to confirm and save DMX address code.
Figure 5 page of DMX Address
Set Light work mode
Enter the page of ‘WORK MOD’ as shown in Figure 6 and modify setting. Can
set light work mode, control lamp and DMX channel mode..