RichAuto S & T Co., Ltd
Add: 5th
floor, No.4 building, No 4. Yard, life Rd, life science park, beiqing St., changping district Beijing, China
010-53275118 Fax
010-53275110/53275111 Web site
or you can go to “AUTO PRO SETUP”, choose “Work Array” and modify
the array parameters. The rest steps are similar to the normal processing.
System will start to work according to the user’s setting.
In the processing of array work, you can view current row number, volume
number etc. by pressing “
2 .
Resume work
Steps are as follows:
Press “
” to move cursor to resume work, press “
” to
enter, then press “
” or “
” to select different break points, and
then press “
”, system will restore processing from the break point.
you want to go backwards from this breakpoint, press “
”and input the
line No., and then press “
”, system will work from the new line
3 .
Tool changing
It achieve manually change the tools at the position you set. Press “
” to
enter into the setup, and also press “
” back to work origin.
Part work
Park work means user can select start line and stop line, so part of the
processing file can be processed. The steps are as follows:
Press “
”to set, press “
” and “
” to move the cursor to