SCT-1000 Ethernet Module Parameters
© Rice Lake Weighing Systems
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3.3 Port Settings
Click on the
Port 0 (RS-232) Settings
Port 1 (RS-485) Settings
option in the menu on the left side of the page to display the
current port settings. The Port Settings page displays the port’s current Serial, LAN, UDP, and TCP settings in editable tables.
The first column of each table lists the parameters, the second shows the current setting of each parameter, and the third allows
each parameter to be edited. If a parameter is changed, ensure that
Make these settings permanent
is checked, then click
to save the changes.
3.3.1 Edit Settings
Set the Baud Rate, Data Size, Parity, Stop Bits, and Flow Control using the drop-downs in the Serial Settings table.
Figure 3-4. Serial Settings
Set the transmission Protocol using the drop-downs in the LAN Settings table.
The Physical I/F parameter is not editable.
Figure 3-5. LAN Settings
Set the Local UDP Port Number, Remote UDP Port Number, UDP Trigger Char, UDP Trigger Idle Timeout, and UDP Remote IP
Address using the fields in the UDP table.
UDP settings are only editable if the Protocol parameter is set to UDP in the LAN Settings table.
Figure 3-6. UDP Settings
Set the Local TCP Port Number, TCP Timeout, and Modbus Mode using the fields and drop-down in the TCP table.
TCP settings are only editable if the Protocol parameter is set to TCP in the LAN Settings table.
Figure 3-7. TCP Settings