V2 - V3 (instal led)
– 2/ 3-way elec troval ve for 2-pipe s ystems c omplet e
with an insulation covering (the accessor y does not c ome with the
auxiliary condensat e drain tr ay).
Models 26-41-51 (¾”)
Models 61-86-111 ( 1”)
KV2B4 - KV3B 4 (suppli ed separat el y)
– 2/3-way electrovalve f or 4-
pipe s ys tems. The c old side val ve is compl ete wit h an ins ulation
covering (the access ory does not come wit h t he auxiliar y condensate
drain tray).
V2B4 - V3B4 (in stall ed)
– 2/3- way electroval ve f or 4-pi pe s yst ems. The
cold side val ve is complete wit h an ins ulation covering (the access ory
does not come wit h t he auxiliar y c ondens ate drain tray).
Models 26-41-51 (¾” – ½”)
Models 61-86-111 ( 1” - ¾”)
KVA (suppli ed separ atel y)
- Auxiliary condensate drain tray.
26-41- 51 61-86- 111
KCB (supplied sep aratel y)
- Flow closur e slots.
KFFE (supplied separ atel y)
- Passi ve electros tatic photoc at alytic filter.
KAP (suppli ed separ atel y)
– Primar y air kit.
UTNC-EV has a number of commands and controls t hat can be
supplied separatel y, on request. Hereunder is the list of commands or
controls t hat can be combined with the UTNC-EV.
KCV2 (supplied sep aratel y)
Panel with a 3-speed switch complete with a summer/off/ winter switch
and t he possibility of c onnecting the minimum t hermost at ext ernally. Wall
(Dimensions 145 x 82 x 40 mm)
KTCV2 (supplied separatel y)
Control and adj ust ment panel including: of f/continuous
ventilati on/t her most at ventilation switc h; room thermostat ;
summer/ wint er switc h; s peed s witc h; auxiliary contacts (230 Vac) to
control t he On/ Off val ves in 2-pi pe s yst ems, 2- pipe s ys tems with electric
resistance or 4- pipe s ys tems with the possibilit y of connec ting the
minimum thermostat ext ernall y.
Wall mounted.
(Dimensions 145 x 82 x 40 mm)
KTCVA (supplied sep aratel y)
Electronic control panel including: continuous/off/t hermostat ventilation
switch; 3-speed s witch; room thermost at; automatic summer/wint er
switchover; red/green heating/cooling functioning LED; auxiliary cont act
(230 Vac) to c ontrol the ON/OFF valve in 2-pipe s ystems. Wall mounted.
(Dimensions 145 x 82 x 40 mm)
The heating-cooling switchover occurs aut omatically via detection of t he
water t emperature in the fan c oil upstream the val ve acc ording to the
following logic.
20 23
29 32
T = wat er temperat ure
KTCVR (supplied sep aratel y)
Electronic c ontr ol panel i ncludi ng: on/off /elec tric resistanc e s witch;
aut omatic summer/ wint er switc hover; automatic speed/mi nimum s peed
switch; comfort ±5°C adjust ment knob; auxiliary c ont acts (230 Vac) t o
control t he ON/OFF val ve in 2-pipe s yst ems, 2-pipe s yst ems wit h
electric resistance or 4-pipe s yst ems .
Minimum thermostat function, destratification c ycle and dirt y filter signal.
Wall mounted.
(Dimensions 145 x 82 x 40 mm)