Measurement Ready
Navigation Options
Bluetooth Enabled
Sample Number
Gloss Geometry
Gloss Reading
Date and Time
Gloss Geometry
Battery Indicator
With the unit switched on and initialised the instrument will display the Home screen
as shown below.
In this mode, measurements can be made by simply pressing the operate button (4)
on the instrument’s keypad. If the Auto Calibration option is set to ON in the settings
menu (detailed later in the Instrument Settings section of this manual) a dialogue box
will appear when the operate button is pressed as shown below
Two options are available: either to “Calibrate” the instrument on the calibration tile
before making the measurement or to “Measure” without performing a calibration.
Using the Left / Right (3) and Enter (4) buttons on the keypad the required option can
be selected.
Selecting “Calibrate” the instrument will perform a calibration and display a
confirmation dialogue box when completed. Selecting the “Confirm” option will save
the calibration information to the instrument’s memory, which will also be confirmed by
the calibration tile Gloss and IQ* readings appearing on the instruments display.
Alternatively, if “Cancel” is selected the display will return to the Home screen.
Selecting “Measure” the instrument will perform a measurement and after 3 -4
seconds display the results.
*The IQ screen is only available on the Novo-Gloss 20/60/85 with Haze.