Bolting Down Your Rhino Safe
Your safe is predrilled from the factory for anchoring with 4 holes through
the floor of your safe. (Located under the floor panel)
1. Place safe in exact location desired.
2. Use shims to keep your safe level if necessary. (shims not included)
3. Open door.
4. Locate carpeted tabs on floor of safe. Pull tabs gently upward towards
the center of the safe to expose anchoring holes. It is not necessary to
remove the interior or the carpeted floor panel.
(See red arrows below)
5. Locate all 4 factory drilled anchoring holes.
6. Purchase anchor bolts suited for your floor type. We recommend using
a minimum of 3” long wedge anchor bolts for concrete floors that are
1/2” in diameter. For wood floors, we suggest a minimum of 2 1/2”
long lag bolts at least 3/8” in diameter. Always research your floor type
to make sure standard anchor bolts or lag bolts are adequate.
7. Follow bolt manufacturer’s installation instructions.
Anchoring hardware and shims are not included.
Safe must be bolted directly to floor with shipping feet removed.
To remove shipping feet, please refer to page 5.
WARNING: Your safe is heavy and presents a safety hazard unless bolted down.
You must bolt down your safe to validate your break-in warranty.