Issue_B November 2015 5 Dash Stowaway
5. Intended use
Your wheelchair is intended for use in the home, the office, public places and buildings, on pavements, pedestrian
paths and firm surfaces. It is intended to assist with the mobility of the user on the seat and should not be used as a
ladder or as a means of pulling or transporting items, or similar.
Do not use the wheelchair on soft surfaces such as sand, deep snow, slush or mud as this may affect
the stability.
This chair is not designed to be tied down in a moving vehicle, it has not been crash tested to IS0 7176
prt 19.
Care should be exercised when using the wheelchair on wet or slippery surfaces such as wet cobbles
or icy pavements, as these may cause the wheels to slip or may cause carers/attendants controlling the
wheelchair to slip.
Using your wheelchair during darkness or in poorly lit areas.
When using your wheelchair during darkness or in poorly lit areas, then consideration should be given to the
use of high visibility markers or reflectors that can be fitted to the wheelchair or the use of high
visibility/reflective clothing such as fluorescent waistcoats, belts or armbands, particularly in poorly lit areas or
when crossing the road.
Maximum safe slope
The maximum safe slope for this wheelchair is 8 degrees. (This represents a slope of approx 1 in 6).
See further notes and guidance in section
on wheelchair stability.
Users, carers and attendants attempting to use the wheelchair beyond the
recommendations may put themselves at risk of serious injury or even death.
The removal of detachable parts that are supplied either as standard as prescribed or recommended
by the user’s prescriber, healthcare professional or wheelchair dealer, other than for the purpose of
storing or transporting the wheelchair is not recommended and may compromise the correct use of
the wheelchair by the user and the provision of any beneficial effects from the complete equipment.
Take precautions when using your wheelchair to avoid fire risks, such as avoiding smoking or
parking against open fires or heat source.
Do not store your chair in direct sunlight. Direct heat such as sunlight will increase the temperature
of parts on the wheelchair such as the frame or upholstery and they may be hot to touch.
Low temperatures such as frost will have the opposite effect and may make parts of the frame very
cold to touch.
DO NOT hang items such as bags on the back of the push handles, as this can overload the chair
and affect the stability of the wheelchair - causing it to tip over. This chair is not supplied with
DO NOT exceed the occupant weight limit for your chair and do not carry more than one person. If
you feel that your body weight may have changed then contact your healthcare specialist.
Using a cushion raises the seated position and may reduce the stability of your wheelchair. Some
features and accessories may affect stability. Your healthcare professional can provide guidance on
the stability of your wheelchair and should be consulted when cushions and accessories are being
Your wheelchair should be delivered pre assembled apart from requiring the footrests to be inserted into the
front tubes and secured by a nut and bolt. You should remove any packaging before use. If you have not
used a wheelchair or are uncertain about any of the features of your wheelchair then please contact your
healthcare professional, wheelchair dealer or your wheelchair service and ask for assistance. If you have
been informed that you must receive specific instructions about your wheelchair before using it, and then it is
important that you await this instruction for your own safety.
Release front and rear over centre braces
Grasp the Push handle grips and with a flicking motion; push and fold together in a single motion until chair is fully