RGBlink Co ltd.
User can check current input and output sources in Dev Info menu also.
Input: CV1 1024x768x60
Output: CV2 1024x768x60
Touch UP/DOWN to check customer service E-mail and web site address;
User can visit company web site for more product information.
Touch UP/DOWN to check System time
System time:
2009-08-17 15:12:35
User can do a Factory Settings in Recall menu, after successful reset you will
see the menu as follows:
Factory reset was completed !
Push the MENU to enter the main menu, then push up and down direction
key, the menu as follows:
>VSP 516
*Language Alpha
Push the LEFT/RIGHT to select the relevant submenu.
LANGUAGE submenu as follows
>Chinese English
Push UP/DWON to enter Alpha setup, user can set value from 0 to 100,
0 means video or graphic would be disappear and 100 means normal;
Port A and Port B stand for two channel picture;
VSP 516 Series User Manual 12