Set Data Transmit Delay
When used in conjunction with the
minimum data length
parameter, this sets the
amount of time from the receipt of a first byte of data from the host until the radio
will transmit in transparent mode. Default is 00H which causes transmission to occur
without any delay. When a host is sending a group of data that needs to be sent
together, setting this parameter will provide time for the group of data to be sent by
the host before the radio transmits. If the length of data to be sent together is longer
than the time slot can send, the data will not be sent together but will be broken up
over multiple hops. The length of time the radio will wait is equal to the specified
value times the hop duration.
Set Slot Assignment Mode (base station only)
Sets whether the base station will assign remote transmit slots dynamically, based on
the number of remotes currently registered or whether the base station will assign
remote transmit slots statically, based on the
maximum number of remotes
If static slot assignment is selected, make sure
maximum number of remotes
correctly set. Otherwise remote transmit performance will suffer as transmit time will
be reserved for remotes that may not exist. The dynamic assignment mode will
generally be preferred; however, the static assignment mode will result in a static
maximum data length
Set Base Slot Size (base station only)
Sets the amount of time allocated for transmission on each hop for the base station
time slot in 4-byte increments. Maximum value is 2f which corresponds to 188 bytes
(2f = 52D x 4 = 188). If using a protocol mode, attempting to send a packet with a
length longer than this setting will cause the packet to be discarded.
Set ARQ Mode
This command sets ARQ mode when set to 0 which is the default. In this mode the
radio will resend an unsuccessful transmission until either successful or
attempt limit
attempts have been made. When set to 1 selects redundant transmit
mode that will send every transmission
packet attempt limit
times regardless of
success or failure of any given attempt. When redundant transmit mode is used,
receiving radios will discard all subsequent retransmissions once the transmission has
been successfully received. Thus the receiving host will receive just one copy of the
2000- 2004 Cirronet
M-0910-0002 Rev B