The Apply Settings button will appear at the bottom of the HopNet Configuration
Wizard screen. Click on the Apply Settings button to set the HopNet radio as the
Run a communications test.
To run a communications test, connect one HopNet radio set as a base to one PC
running the Wizard and another HopNet radio set as a remote to another PC running
the Wizard. Verify that the Carrier Detect LED (CD) on the radio is on (red), the fifth
parameter box on the lower left of the window will have DCD (as shown above
right). Click on the Send Data button on the HopNet Configuration Wizard screen on
both PCs. The HopNet radio set up as the base will send the message “This is a test
message from the Base radio.” to the remote HopNet radio. This message will be
displayed in the message window of the Wizard running on the remote PC. The
remote HopNet radio will send the message “This is a test message from the Remote
radio.” to the base HopNet radio. This message will be displayed in the message
window of the Wizard running on the base PC. The test will run continuously until
the Stop button is clicked.
NOTE: If your computer has two serial ports, both the base and the remote HopNet
radios can be connected to the same PC and the communications test run by
opening a second window running the Wizard. Open the second window by simply
double-clicking on the Wizard icon on your desktop.
2000- 2004 Cirronet
M-0910-0002 Rev B