Rev 7.21
3.2.5 [WAADATA]
Writes 16 characters of data for tag on addressed reader
Format: W = Write command, AA = CAN address, DATA = 16 ASCII characters
Response: PROGRAMMED if successful, FAILED if not successful
Example: [W015555555533333333] Write 5555555533333333 to tag on reader 1
Example response successful: PROGRAMMED
Example response if failure: NO RESPONSE
4.0 Dipswitches SW1
Not used in with Model 8050E
5.0 Antenna Addressing
5.1 Description
Antennas retain their address in onboard EEPROM. To change the address of an antenna use
the RS232 connection to issue the [2XXXX] command
If 2 or more antennas have the same address on the bus, the system will not know due to the
anti-collision hardware. It is the responsibility of the user to manage antenna addresses. Always
use permanent labels to mark your antenna addresses and try not to change them often.
5.2 New Antenna installation
New Smart Antennas come with the address 01; before they can be used, you need to assign
them an operational address
1. Use the command [2xx01] to assign the new address
2. You should receive an OK, if so skip the rest you are done
3. If you receive a FAILED_X, refer to section 3.1.2 for details
(xx stands for the desired address)
5.3 Reassign antenna address
If you don’t know its current address disconnect all other antennas from the network
2. Run a [3] scan command to find the antenna
’s current address
3. Use [2XXXX] to assign a new address
4. Reconnect the rest of your antennas and run [3] scan again
5. If the number of addresses on the scan matches the number of antennas installed you
are done skip the rest
6. If you have duplicate addresses in the network. Remove one antenna at a time while
running [3] scan each time.
7. After removing an antenna check that [3] returns one less antenna address than before.
8. If you remove an antenna and [3] returns the same number of addresses it did before you
removed it you have found the duplicate. Follow steps 1 to 4 to assign it a new address.