RFI 150-W-D-DD-H-1 radio modem Operation Manual
Chapter 2 Installation
MAN0065 Rev 1.7
Figure 3: Crescendo-series RFI-150 Mounting Dimensions
Antenna Connection
The antenna is connector is an RF 50 Ohm BNC (female), type BNC DAIALL R1/4/082. The antenna
cable should be a suitable low-loss 50 Ohm RF cable with a matching BNC connector (male).
Cable loss should be considered when evaluating the link margins.
Auxiliary Serial Port Connection
The “Aux” Serial Port provides an RS-232 female (DCE) interface for configuration and maintenance. The
RS-232 interface circuits are described in Table 1 below. The Aux serial port is not flow-controlled.
The DTE/DCE cable should be terminated with a matching DB-9 male connector.