© copyright 2002 - AXE102 Alarm Student Project Notes Version 1.1
Revolution Education Ltd. Email: [email protected] Web: www.rev-ed.co.uk
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These instructions presume you are soldering all the components directly on the board. The
instructions are identical if you are using longer wires to join some components (e.g. the LED),
although you must be even more careful you get the wires around the correct way on the LED.
1) Place the 1k (brown black red gold) and 22k (red red orange gold) resistors in
position. The bottom resistor marked 1k may be a 1k or 10k resistor depnding on the
type of analogue sensor (LDR) used. Bend the legs to hold the resistors in position
and then solder.
2) Place the two 10k (brown black orange gold) and 330 (orange orange brown gold)
resistors in position. Bend the legs to hold the resistors in position and then solder.
3) Using an off cut resistor leg, make a wire loop over the letters PX marked beside the
330R resistors. Solder in position. (Ignore the hole above the holes marked CF).
4) Solder the 1N4001 diode is position D1, making sure the silver bar is pointing
towards the right hand side of the PCB.
5) Push the PICAXE stereo download socket onto the PCB and make sure it clicks into
position (so that it lies flat on the board). Solder the five metal square contacts (the
five round plastic support post holes do not have to be soldered). Do not worry if the
solder joins on the two metal contacts either side of the socket as they are supposed
to be joined anyway.
6) Push the IC socket into position. Make sure the notch at one end points up towards
the socket. Fold the legs over to hold the socket in position and then solder.
7) Solder the LED into position (or wires if the LED is to be connected by longer wires).
Make sure the flat on one side of the LED aligns with the flat marked on the PCB.
8) Solder the BC548B transistor in position, making sure the flat side aligns with the
marking on the PCB.
9) Solder the 100uF capacitor is position, making sure the + and – legs are around the
correct way.
10) Thread the battery clip down through the large hole by the letters DER. Thread it back
up through the large hole by the letters ORD. Then solder the black wire in the hole
marked 0V and the red wire in the hole marked V+.
11) Use a sticky pad to stick the piezo sounder (brass side) to the top of the PCB. Thread
the wires down through the hole below LED1 and back up through the hole marked
PZ. Solder the red wire into the bottom hole and the black wire into the top hole. It
does not matter if the red wire solder joint joins pin5 of the IC socket as they are
supposed to join anyway. The black wire should NOT join pin 6 of the IC socket.
12) Solder wires to the OUTPUT, DIG & ANA INPUT connections.
13) Carefully check the board to make sure there are no missed joints or accidental solder
14) Insert the microcontroller into the socket, ensuring pin1 faces the stereo socket.
V+ 0V