does not flash, wait five seconds and re-enter the
programming sequence from the beginning.
1. Put the system into Operating mode by pressing
and holding the ‘INSTANT-ARM’ button on the
Remote Control for approximately 10 seconds
until the Siren acknowledges the signal by
emitting one long Beep (unless Beep Disable has
been set).
2. Arm the system in Instant mode by entering the
User Access code followed by the ‘INSTANT-
ARM’ button on the Keypad.
The Siren will acknowledge the signal by beeping
3. Disarm the system entering the User Access code
followed by the ‘DISARM’ button on the Keypad.
, or
The Siren will acknowledge the signal by beeping
4. Arm the system in Delay mode by entering the
User Access code followed by the either ‘DELAY-
ARM’ buttons on the Keypad.
, or
The Siren will acknowledge the signal by beeping
once and then again after the 15s entry delay.
5. Disarm the system entering the User Access code
followed by the ‘DISARM’ button on the Keypad.
The Siren will acknowledge the signal by beeping
6. Activate the Personal Attack (PA) alarm by
pressing and holding both ‘DELAY-ARM’ buttons
on the Keypad.
After approximately 2 seconds a Full Alarm
condition will be initiated.
7. Immediately Disarm the system entering the User
Access code followed by the ‘DISARM’ button on
the Keypad.
The Siren will stop sounding.
8. When you have finished testing the Keypad, return
the system to Service mode by pressing and
holding the ‘DISARM’ button on the Remote
Control for approximately 10 seconds until the
Siren acknowledges the signal by emitting one
long beep (unless Beep Disable has been set).
PIR detectors are designed to detect movement in a
protected area by detecting changes in infra-red
radiation levels caused for example when a person
moves within or across the devices field of vision. If
movement is detected an alarm signal will be
generated, (if the system is armed).
Note: PIR detectors will also detect animals, so
ensure that pets are not permitted access to areas
fitted with Passive Infra Red Movement Detectors
when the system is armed.
Any number of PIR Movement Detectors can be used
with your system, providing they are all coded with
the system House Code and are mounted within
effective radio range of the Solar Siren.
The PIR Detector is powered by a PP3 Alkaline
battery which under normal conditions will have
an expected life in excess of 1 year. When the
battery level drops, with the PIR in normal
operation mode and the battery cover fitted, the
LED behind the detection window will flash.
When this occurs the batteries should be
replaced as soon as possible.
The recommended position for a PIR Movement
Detector is in the corner of a room mounted at a
height between 2 and 2.5m. At this height, the
detector will have a maximum range of up to 12m
with a field of view of 110°.The Position of the PCB
inside the PIR can be set to 5 different positions to
adjust the range and height of the detection pattern
created by the PIR. Setting the PCB in position 3
will reduce the range to approximately 9m, with
position 1 providing a range of approximately 6m.
The recommended position for the PCB is in
position 5. (see diagram overpage).