DFS Ultra II
This is the feedback control. It is activated when the hearing instruments have been calibrated.
The default setting is Mild. Adjust the setting to a stronger level (Moderate or Strong) if concerns of
feedback arise. The Music Mode default is a Mild setting, typically used for music programs or if the
patient experiences feedback only when tonal sounds occur (for example, from a musical instrument).
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Advanced Features
Advanced feature settings can be modified by selecting the appropriate drop down
menu or by moving the slider to the desired level. These feature settings apply only to
the currently selected program.
Binaural Directionality III
uses ReSound’s 2.4 GHz wireless technology to allow the hearing
instruments to work together, dynamically selecting the best microphone response for the listening
environment. Possible configurations are bilateral omnidirectional, bilateral directional or an
asymmetric omnidirectional and directional response, depending on the analysis of speech and
noise detectors from both hearing instruments. This provides the optimal combination of speech
understanding in noise plus a more natural sense of surroundings.
Natural Directionality II:
The Focus (directional) ear and Monitor (omnidirectional) ear are prescribed
based on the audiogram and any speech audiometry data that may be available.
Spatial Sense:
An omnidirectional microphone response mimics the human ear’s natural response to
sound, which preserves spatial cues and helps with the localization of sound sources.
Seamlessly enables and disables AutoScope/MultiScope Adaptive Directionality™
depending on the listening environment. The response can be either omnidirectional or directional,
based on whether noise is present and the direction of speech in the listening situation.
Adaptive Directionality enables the beam width to automatically widen or narrow
depending on the acoustic surroundings.
Directional Mix
All directional microphone modes have both omnidirectional and directional processing through the
frequency spectrum. The setting determines the degree of directionality in the output of the hearing
instrument(s). Directional Mix applies omnidirectional processing below a crossover frequency and
directional processing above that frequency. The default setting is prescribed depending on the
hearing instrument model selected and the degree of low frequency hearing loss. If the patient is still
experiencing difficulty hearing in noise, increasing the directional mix may help.
The information
icons provide a
short explanation of
the feature. Some
information may
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in-depth explanation
or video.