Sending a Remote Fine-tuning without an Assistance Request
The hearing care professional can send a Remote Fine-tuning to a patient without having received
an Assistance Request.
1. Access the patient fitting screen.
2. If you haven’t already, login to GN Online Services.
3. Follow the standard fitting procedure.
4. Save the fitting.
5. Choose “Send Settings” on the Save screen as outlined in the previous section.
The patient will receive the package in the ReSound Smart 3D app and the Remote Session will
appear on the patient’s timeline.
Confirmation of Settings Sent
1. After sending the new settings to the
patient, a message will appear stating
“Settings successfully sent.”
2. A summary of actions can be viewed
in the patient timeline.
Closing the Assistance Request
After sending the settings, visit the patient timeline to close the request. The patient
is allowed a maximum of five open requests in the ReSound Smart 3D app. Only the
hearing care professional can close them.
1. Go to the Assistance Request on the patient’s timeline.
2. Click on “Actions” to select the option of either “Start an Assist fine-tuning request
session” or “Close Request.”
3. Click “Close Request.”
4. Enter a message for the patient and a reason for closing the request. Click “Send.”
Viewing patient’s rating
1. Once a fitting or fine-tuned settings have been rated by the patient, an email notification
will be received.
2. The rating can be viewed within the ReSound Assist timeline. When a new assistance
request has been sent along with the Rate my sound rating, the new request will appear
as the latest action in the timeline and the rating will be found below it.
3. If the hearing care professional would like to generate a new set of fine-tuned settings
at this time, follow the steps in “Starting an Assist fine-tuning session from the timeline”
section of this document.
ReSound Assist requests can also be closed from the Patients section in GN Online Services.