2 General Description and Safety
2.4 Limitation of Liability
In no event shall RESCUE Intellitech, or any of its representatives or affiliates, whether in contract, tort or
otherwise, be responsible or liable for any consequential, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or punitive
damages arising out of or in connection with the delivery of any Solo Rescue® products, or the use thereof,
regardless of (a) whether such damages were foreseeable, or (b) whether or not RESCUE Intellitech was
advised of the possibility of such damages.
Except for obligations to make payment under this agreement, each party’s aggregate liability arising out of or
related to this agreement, whether arising out of or related to breach of contract, tort (including negligence) or
otherwise, shall not exceed the total amount paid under this agreement during the 12-month period preceding
the event giving rise to the claim.
The limitations of liability set out herein shall not apply with respect to damages arising out of grossly negligent
acts or omissions or willful misconduct or misuse.
2.5 Always Follow Each PPE Manufacturer’s Washing Instructions
Users are obliged to diligently follow the wash, care and maintenance instructions from each individual PPE
manufacturer when using the Solo Rescue® machine. RESCUE Intellitech has no control over the production
and quality of any PPE, and therefore neither RESCUE Intellitech nor any of its representatives or affiliates
make any express or implied representation or warranty with respect to PPE products washed in a Solo
Rescue® machine (including but not limited to how they should be washed, or whether they should be washed
using a Solo Rescue® machine at all.).
If the PPE manufacturer has not provided any specific machine-washing instructions for a particular piece of
PPE, each Solo Rescue® user must contact the PPE manufacturer before using the Solo Rescue® machine to
wash such PPE, in order to receive relevant information and instructions.
RESCUE Intellitech disclaims any and all liability for any damages or injury to persons, property or
otherwise resulting from (i) inaccurate or insufficient instructions by a PPE manufacturer with respect to the
use of the Solo Rescue®, (ii) use of the Solo Rescue® in a way that does not correspond with the washing
instructions of the relevant PPE manufacturer, or (iii) where no such instructions exist, use of the Solo Rescue®
without the user contacting the PPE manufacturer to receive such instructions or information.
2.6 Using Disinfectants in the Solo Rescue®
RESCUE Intellitech disclaims any and all responsibility and liability for the use of disinfectants, the final
disinfection result or any damages or injury to persons, property or otherwise result-ing from (i) inaccurate
or insufficient instructions by a PPE manufacturer with respect to the use of the Solo Rescue®, (ii) use of
the Solo Rescue® in a way that does not correspond with the washing instructions of the relevant PPE
manufac¬turer, or (iii) where no such instructions exist, use of the Solo Rescue® without the user contacting
the PPE manufacturer to receive such instructions or information. Disinfectants are the responsibility of each
disinfectant manufacturer and RESCUE Intellitech thus refers to each individual PPE manufacturer and their
washing instructions for any issues or queries related to disinfectants.