Tactical ResQmax Operation Manual
Tactical ResQmax Operation Manual
Some initial
resistance may be
experienced when
trying to turn the
Valve Key. However
once the Key begins
to rotate it will turn
easily. Be certain to
rotate the Key a full
90 degrees..
Opening the Nozzle Valve to Pressurize the Launcher
The Valve in the Nozzle of each Projectile is intended to be opened using the Valve Key attached
to the Launcher Housing. The “V” groove on the Nozzle Protector properly aligns the Nozzle
Valve with the Valve Key. The Valve Key is not engaged with the Nozzle Valve when fully extended
(fig. 15a). The Valve Key is engaged with the Nozzle Valve when fully depressed.(fig. 15b)
When installed in the Launcher, a freshly charged Projectile
will have the Nozzle Valve in the vertical position.
the Nozzle Valve on the Projectile, do as follows
(fig. 15c);
1. Fully depress the Valve Key, in the vertical position, and
maintain a constant pressure
2. Rotate the Valve Key 90 degrees – in a clockwise direction
3. Release the Valve Key allowing it to extend fully
Valve Key
Figure 15a
Figure 15c
Closing the Nozzle Valve in the Launcher
If the Valve in the Nozzle of a Projectile is open the Nozzle
Valve will be in the horizontal position.
the Nozzle Valve on the Projectile, do as
1. Fully depress the Valve Key, in the horizontal position,
and maintain a constant pressure
2. Rotate the Valve Key 90 degrees – in a counter-
clockwise direction
3. Release the Valve Key allowing it to extend fully (see
fig. 15a-- above)
Figure 15d
"V" Groove
Figure 15b
The eyelet on the
launcher is not
intended to be used
in the recovery of a
victim from the
water, or in
conjunction with a
messenger line. Pull
directly on the line.
DO NOT coil or loop
the line, EVER! If you
coil the line you may
build in tension that
will cause snarls the
next time you use it
resulting in poor
performance during
Figure 11a.
Packing and Connecting the Line Container
Packing the Line Container
All lines used with the ResQmax may be re-packed in the field by hand as necessary, without the
use of any special equipment. Each line has a dedicated “dead end” & a “live end”.
The “dead end” of the line is formed by a loop with a snap shackle attached. This “dead end” is
intended to be attached to the launcher before or during deployment. The line may be secured
to any fixed point prior to or after firing – to secure one end of the line while the launcher is
being prepared for the next shot. This “dead end” does not travel.
The “live end” of the line is formed by a loop with a Cut-Away Pin permanently attached. This
end is intended to be attached to the bridle lines of the Line or Sling Projectile and does travel
with the projectile towards the target. The Cut-Away Pin holds the door closed until the point of
firing – and then automatically releases the door of the line container to allow the line to follow
the projectile without resistance.
When packing the line container, the easiest method is as follows:
1. Disconnect the line container from the launcher, and hold it vertically, with the door open
toward you.
2. Allow 12inches / 30cm of the “dead end” of the rope (fitted with the snap shackle) to hang
freely outside of the right side of the line container (fig 11a) and begin dropping the line inside
the container.
3. Pull the line from over your shoulder so that you can push it down into the container hand
over hand, using short strokes (fig 11b).
4. Allow the line to ‘fall’ into the container in a random, criss-cross pattern to avoid any snarls when
it is deployed. Periodically push the line down into the bag more tightly to make more room.
Figure 11b.