2.4.1 Protection covers
The 5 cover plates on the machine screen dangerous components from the outside world
(see Figure 2.5).
Because of this, the machine can only be switched on when all the plates are in place. To
this end the removable plates are fitted with magnets and the machine has magnetic
sensors. Lifting or removing a protective plate causes the machine’s process to stop. In order
to re-start the machine the plate must be replaced and the start-up procedure repeated (see
paragraph The plates on the machine are not interchangeable so always put them
back in the correct place. If the plates are placed in the wrong place an error message is
displayed in the control panel status line. In order to guarantee that the covers work properly,
both they and the surfaces on which they rest must be clean. Damaged covers should be
replaced immediately. The cover on the exit side of the forming station is fitted with fingers to
prevent access to the lifting system.
Figure 2.5 Cover plates