4.4.15 Cross Cutting Times
This menu is accessed by pressing the ‘CROSS CUTTING TIMES’ button in the main menu
(see Figure 4.36)
This screen shows you all time settings needed for the cross cuttings process.
This cutting process can be divided into 3 steps with a delay time in between.
Cross cutting up:
= Step 1; Cutting support goes up.
Delay 1:
= Waiting time before step 2 will start.
Cutting time:
= Step 2; Knife action time.
Delay 2:
= Waiting time before step 3 will start.
Cross cutting down:
= Step 3; Cutting support goes down, after this time the film
transport can start with the next transport cycle.
Operate the “change of punch anvil” by pressing the “punch up/down”button.
Remark: its only posible to operate this function with covers closed.
Delay cross cutting up:
= Waiting time before cross cut process will start.
Cross cutting up:
= Within this time the pressure bar will going up.
Cross cutting down:
= Pressure bar will go down, after this time the film transport can
start with the next transport cycle.
Figure 4.36 Cross Cutting Times