Owner‘s Manual Crimping Machine CM 25-1.3
Rev.: 2016-05-31
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7.7. Crimping Dimension Adjustment
In order to ensure fault-free crimping results, the CM 25-1.3 has been set at the factory
in such a manner that the crimp dies are firmly closed at bottom dead center. Under certain
conditions, for example, after changing the crimping dies, a readjustment may necessary to align the
plunger stroke. The adjustment can be done as follows:
• Interrupt air pressure with shut-off valve
; remove air supply hose and open shut-off valve
• Release the remaining air by pressing the reset button
• Move the upper and lower die sets apart by turning the square counter bearing (keep RESET
compressed the entire time) with an SW 12 wrench until the lower dead center and until the scale and
setting information are visible
• Loosen the tensioning screw
with an SW 2,5 mm Allen wrench
• Choose the desired dimensional alignment by using the adjusting ring
. Use the extra holes
provided to select the desired setting
Turning the adjustment screw by one scale line will change the plunger stroke by 0,05 mm.
• Upon completion of the alignment , secure the adjusting ring
by tightening the tensioning screw
(At 180° is another tensioning screw located. In order to ensure a safe clamping only one
tensioning screw must be tightened, which ever screw is closer to the operator of the machine.)
• Close the shut-off valve, connect the air supply lines and open the shut-off valve
Now, the machine moves back to the starting position and is ready for operation. The crimping
process must now be simulated. The fault-free functioning of a machine cycle is tested in this
fashion. If a successful cycle is not achieved, the crimping dimensions have to be reduced
as described in this chapter (see also section „8.1 Causes of Error and Troubleshooting“). The procedure
must be repeated on an actual crimp. The crimping dimension attained must be inspected.
In order to perform a proper inspection a „Rennsteig Werkzeuge“ Crimping Height Slide Gauge is
recommended for this. It may become necessary to adjust the plunger stroke again until the desired
crimping dimension is reached.
Fig. 6