Operation Manual
RENNER compressors
003_Safety advice
1.2 Basic safety advice (continuation)
To minimise risk of personal injury, damage to equipment
or property, strictly follow the remedial actions stated be-
Possible damage
Measures for prevention
Physical injury of the
personnel and damage
to the compressor due
to removal or evasion
of protective devices
Do not remove or make inopera-
tive any safety device
Rectify defects immediately they
are recognised
Electrical work/repairs must be
carried out by a qualified electri-
cian only
Damage to the com-
pressor due to over-
Do not exceed the technical limit
values stipulated
Burns through hot
compressor parts
Do not touch compressor parts
immediately after having opened
the doors of the canopy
Burns through hot lu-
brication oil when top-
ping up or changing oil
Turn the oil filler cap slowly anti-
clockwise during the first 5 rota-
tions until a tangible “snap-point”.
Thus the remaining pressure will
be slowly relieved
(see also chap-
ter 5.7 : Changing Oil)
Possible eye and skin
burn due to hot con-
densate spurt
Let the compressor sufficiently
cool down and handle with great
care before disconnecting it from
the c.a. system.
Wear protective goggles
Danger through com-
pressed air
Danger of life
Compressed air may
severely injure human
and domestic animals
Do not bring compressed air to
bear on any creature