Geachte klant,
Hartelijk dank voor de aanschaf van deze draadloze verbinding.
Met dit apparaat heeft u een product verworven dat volgens de nieuwste technische
inzichten vervaardigd werd.
De opbouw voldoet aan de Europese en nationale eisen met betrekking tot
elektromagnetische compatibiliteit. Het gebruik is weliswaar in vele Europese
landen toegestaan, maar toch moet u voorafgaand aan de ingebruikneming
informeren naar de regelingen van elk specifiek land. De conformiteit is aan-
getoond, terwijl de bijbehorende verklaringen en documenten zijn gedepo-
neerd bij de fabrikant. Het systeem kan zonder aanmelding en abonnements-
kosten worden gebruikt.
Bij technische vragen kunt u contact opnemen met:
tel. 0180/5 31 21 11,
fax 0180/5 31 21 10
E-mail: gebruik voor al uw vragen het formulier op onze internetsite onder de rubriek: Contact
License information!
No structural changes may be made on the equipment, for example the antenna
attached to the device must be used. Also measures taken to increase the transmit-
ting power may not be implemented. Otherwise the device will lose its license and
general operating permit. Also, technical modifications could destroy the electronic
elements. Balance positions within the device may not be adjusted under any cir-
cumstances. The alignment was already optimized by the manufacturer.
This safety information and technical data must be strictly obeyed!
Intendend use
This radio transmission set provides wireless transmission of audio, video, and
infrared signals, and is suitable for household audio and video equipment.
The transmitter and the receiver are only certified for connecting to the supplied
power adapters.
The power adapters are only suitable for operation with a standard household outlet
with 230V~/50Hz (10/16 A) alternating voltage.
Operation of the complete system is permitted only in enclosed areas and therefore
not open areas. Contact with humidity, for example in the bathroom, etc. is to be
strictly avoided.
Other uses beyond what has been described above could lead to the damage of this
product, and dangers connected with short-circuits, fire, electrical shock, etc., for
The entire product may not be changed and/or converted and the housing may not
be opened!
This safety information is to be strictly obeyed!