Renesas Synergy™ Platform
Application Example for Cloud Connectivity (AE-CLOUD2)
R12UM0033EU0100 Rev.1.00
Page 8 of 48
Sep 5, 2018
3. Getting Started
Before you start working with your development board, you must obtain the latest version of the Synergy Software
Package (SSP), as well as the development tools needed to work with it.
If you are new to Synergy development, we encourage you to use the AE-CLOUD2 Quick Start Guide. This guide will
provide detailed instructions on how to register an account on the Synergy Gallery to obtain a developer license, and
how to download and install all software & tools that are required. Once you have completed these steps, please return
to this section for more in-depth information on how to work with your S5D9 MCU board.
3.1 Connecting the Boards
Plug the Wi-Fi Module to the MCU board through a PMOD connector. Plug the Cellular Arduino Shield into the S5D9
MCU board. Be careful to align the Arduino Shield connector pins correctly.
Figure 6 Connecting the Boards from the Kit
Connect the USB cables from J6 (for debugging) and from J9 (for communication) on the MCU Board to the host
computer. The USB Device connector (J9) provides 5V power to the entire kit. The USB J-Link OB Debug connector
(J6) provides 5V power only to the MCU board.
For cellular and GPS operation, connect the cellular antenna and the GPS antenna to their corresponding connectors on
the Cellular Arduino Shield. As seen in Figure 6, the cellular antenna goes to the top connector.
3.2 Download Application Software
The kit comes without firmware pre-installed on its MCU board. The user is encouraged to download cloud
connectivity example projects of their choice by searching for AE-CLOUD2 at
On this kit webpage, the user can find links to the individual application projects for Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web
Service (AWS), and Google Cloud Platform as well as Synergy Enterprise Cloud Toolbox demo and Medium One IoT
Prototyping Sandbox tutorial.
Micro USB cable
for Power/Debug
Micro USB cable
for Power/Data
Ethernet Cable for
connection to router
Cellular Antenna
GPS Antenna
Router LAN Port
Laptop PC
Internet Router