Rev.2.00 Nov 28, 2005 page 38 of 378
M16C/6N Group (M16C/6NK, M16C/6NM)
6. Processor Mode
Under development
This document is under development and its contents are subject to change.
6.1 Types of Processor Mode
Three processor modes are available to choose from: single-chip mode, memory expansion mode, and
microprocessor mode. (Not available memory expansion and microprocessor modes in T/V-ver..)
Table 6.1 shows the features of these processor modes.
Table 6.1 Features of Processor Modes
Processor Mode
Access Space
Pins Which are Assigned I/O Ports
Single-chip Mode
SFR, internal RAM, internal ROM
All pins are I/O ports or
peripheral function I/O pins
Memory Expansion Mode
SFR, internal RAM, internal ROM,
Some pins serve as bus control pins
external area
Microprocessor Mode
SFR, internal RAM, external area
Some pins serve as bus control pins
1. Refer to
7. Bus
2. Not available in T/V-ver..
6. Processor Mode
6. Processor Mode explains as an example of a Normal-ver..
T/V-ver. is available single-chip mode only. Not available memory expansion mode and microprocessor