KNG Series Trunked Radio Programming Guide
Page 30 of 57
July 2014
Programming Unit ID, System ID and WACN
Unit ID, System ID and WACN ID are all programmed on the General Tab of the appropriate trunked
system page.
Throughout the programming software, items in yellow shaded boxes are entered in hexadecimal.
Programming Channel Identifier Tables
The Channel Identifier Tables are programmed on the Channel ID’s Tab of the appropriate trunked
system page.
Parameters for the channel identifier table should be provided by the radio infrastructure vendor.
Channel identifiers for VHF and UHF are dependent on the frequencies that have been liscensed by the
radio system operator. Channel plans for 700 and 800 MHz are well defined and usually do not vary.
Bandwidth (KHz): Specifies the channel bandwidth in KHz., usually 12.5 KHz.
TX /-: Specifies whether the TX frequency is offset positively or negatively from the RX
TX Offset (MHz): Offset from the RX frequency used to derive the TX frequency
Spacing (KHz): Specifies the channel spacing in KHz. Does not have to match the channel bandwidth.