Magnet Pack Inspection & Cleaning
Step Instruction
The magnet pack needs to be checked for
damage. Severe damage to the Rear Pivot
screw locaters will render the magnet pack
and a new magnet will need
to be purchased.
The kidney guides need to be checked for
wear and tear. These will wear over time
and excessive wear will reduce the magnets
engagement/disengagement capabilities.
There should be a distinct “bump” if there is
not then the magnet handle engagement
will be severely affected.
The skirting between each magnet element
should be checked. Slight wear and tear is
acceptable however if several of the rubber
strips are missing or broken this can slightly
reduce the magnets effectiveness in shear
and needs to be considered when returning
to service in the yard.
Scrub any excess concrete from the magnet
pack. WD40 can be used sparingly to clean
residue from the magnet pack. Avoid getting
excess WD40 around the Kidney section.
Wipe any excess from the magnet pack
before proceeding.