Failure to observe these instructions may result in damage to the jointing system, to the tool and in personal injury
1. Using pipe cutters, cut pipe to required length at right angles and
without leaving burrs. Do not use saws, or similar!
2. Slide compression sleeve onto pipe.
On metal compression sleeves, the inner chamfer must point towards
the joint.
Expand pipe, rotate 30°, and repeat. The compression sleeve must
not be in the expansion area. Expansion is to be carried out using the
pressure switch or by activating the foot lever.
rautool G1/H/G1
assembly procedure
Insert fitting into pipe up to the stop. After a brief period the fitting
will sit tightly in the pipe (memory effect).
All sealing ribs must be covered! Until the memory effect has fully
set in, the fixing can still fall out of the pipe. Make sure the fitting is
positioned evenly.