User manual of Tilty
page 11 of 43
5. Handling
5.1 Completion of use condition
The wheelchair will be in working order for everyday life after having examined the
following basic items:
have the cross braces been thoroughly snapped in the trestles?
is SeatFix thoroughly locked onto the cross braces, or rather
is the seat cover cloth in a perfect condition?
is the back cover cloth in a perfect condition, or rather
is the fixed seatback thoroughly locked into the securing devices at the back
are the plug-in axles thoroughly snapped in the adapters?
are the steering wheels in working order and may they be easily rotated?
do the parking brakes show functional performance?
do the driving wheels show adequate air pressure?
is the supporting wheel in working order?
is the seat-tilting in perfect working condition?
is the gas pressure spring in working order?
is the Bowden wire on the release lever for tilting firmly in its suspension?
5.2 Tilting the seat-back-unity
For tilting backwards Tilty’s complete seat-back-unity in its
angle by up to 30°, first of all lock the parking brake.
Now pull the release lever at the sliding handle or at the
sliding clamp, keep it pulled out and slightly push the seat
simultaneously for- and downwards.
Please keep in mind that the gas pressure spring will
counteract your pressure – so, it will be hardly possible for
you to tilt an empty chair. This is no failure, it rather is an
indication of the gas pressure sping’s operativeness.
An easy-working gas pressure spring on an empty wheelchair is a definite sign
that it no longer meets the requirements of the occupied wheelchair and must
immediately be replaced. A faulty gas pressure spring is a considerable safety
risk when tilting the chair because the seat, together with its occupant may
suddenly bump down.
For getting the seat in its horizontal position again, re-lock the parking brake.
Once again, pull the release lever and slightly pull up the seat-back-unity until
the needed position has been reached.