The criterions of selection of
time are fairly simple, also if
necessarily empirical: the higher is
the stimulation level, the smaller
will be the ACTIVATION phase with
respect the REST time. For
example: if I want to stimulate a
muscle to get a maximal
contraction, I have to limit the
contraction time to very few
seconds and have to introduce,
between each contraction. A REST
period equivalent to at least 5
times the contraction period.
To simulate the voluntary
contraction, or simply to make less
annoying the stimulation, it could
be beneficial to introduce a
PROGRESSION phase and a
REGRESSION phase; we’ll call the
two new phases respectively RISE
time and FALL time
Example of electrodes placement
over the A WAIST.
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USTIM - User’s manual Rev. 2(10/19/2012)