Reflexonic® Viberect®
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VIBERECT X3 User Guide 2014-Rev-0
Written by David Buck, Tennis Champion, SCI advocate
I've been using PVS (Penile vibratory stimulation) to ejaculate for over 16 years.
When using PVS as a spinal cord injury, brain injury, stoke patient, MS or any
man, we need to understand the way we respond to vibratory stimulation. We
can typically only have successful ejaculation using the Viberect X-3 or the
Ferticare personal using PVS on a once or twice a week basis.
The reflex arch can become exhausted if we stimulate with high amplitude
vibration more then 1-2 times every 7-10 days or for more then 3-5 minutes
without resting between each attempt.
And when using PVS for the purpose of conceiving children or to collect sperm
for future fertility I always recommend taking a full 10 days off from any vibratory
stimulation to help insure a positive result the day your spouse is in ovulation, or
the day the doctors are collecting your sperm.
Prior to using PVS you should always be in a relaxed state of mind. And in a
physical position that triggers spasticity in your lower extremities. If you can't
ambulate, and your using a wheelchair on a daily basis. The best position to
have success is typically lying flat on your back, allowing the hip flexor to stretch
to a flat position. If you have your spouse stimulate the hip flexor with massage
while using PVS it can also help trigger the spasticity and help you become more
reactive to PVS. You can also have your spouse flex the heel cord (Achilles
tendon) while performing PVS to also help trigger spasticity.
If you are using any medications to reduce spasticity, it can directly interfere with
your ability to have successful ejaculation as well. So whatever time of day your
body is the least affected by these medication will always be the best time to
perform PVS.
In some cases the level of medication can be too high to get results at any time
of the day or night.
You should always consult with your doctor first, and if they clear you to reduce
your dosage or skip a dose of your medication it can be the difference in having
successful ejaculation.
In clinical studies spasticity can be reduced or eliminated for 2 hours all the way
up to 24 hours after each use. And this is why we need adequate rest between
each attempt to ejaculate with PVS.
If you’re still
not having success, the surface you’re lying on may be too soft. Try
lying on a firm mattress, massage table, or even the floor. Or you can place
something like a stiff foam wedge or anything under your gluteus Maximus (rear
end) to stretch the hip flexor beyond 180 degrees to help make the body even
more spastic.
PVS will work with a completely flaccid penis (soft penis) and can in some cases
work better flaccid then with an erection. After successful ejaculation we can
have as much as 1 teaspoon of ejaculate that can remain inside the urethra
canal. And with normal intercourse we can actually conceive a child. Or with
vaginal or oral sex our spouse can trigger continued ejaculation.
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