10. Adjustment options on the vehicle
Once you have familiarized yourself with the driving characteristics of the model, you can optimise the running
characteristics of the model.
However, explaining the interrelationship between chassis settings and driving characteristics is very complex and
would go beyond the scope of these instructions. For this reason, only the available setting options are shown here.
For more information please refer to trade journals and reference books on this topic.
a) Front axis
Figure 4
• The shock absorbers can be mounted at the top (A) and bottom (B) attachment points at different positions.
• The absorbance of the shock absorber can be modified by adjusting the knurled nut (C) or spring travel can be
limited. Always adjust both shock absorbers identically.
• The camber can be modified by adjusting the upper transverse control arm using a threaded rod (D).
• The tie rod (E) for the steering linkage (see ill. top right) is used to set toe-in and toe-out.
• A grub screw (F) in the lower transverse control arm allows you to limit spring travel.