Button Description
1. Up button
(for EMS, HAL, LAL)
2. MODE button
(for cycling through
the mode loop)
3. Down button
(for EMS, HAL, LAL)
4. Laser/Backlight
On/Off button
(pull trigger & press button
to activate laser/backlight)
See page 7 for more details.
Operating Instructions
1. Hold the meter by its handle grip and point it toward the surface
to be measured
2. Pull and hold the trigger to turn the meter on and begin testing.
The display will light if the battery is good. Replace the battery
if the display does not light
3. While measuring, the SCAN display icon will appear in the upper left
corner of the LCD
4. Release the trigger and the HOLD icon will appear on the LCD
indicating that the reading is being held
5. The meter will automatically power off approximately 7 seconds after
the trigger is released. Unless the unit is locked on
Food preparation, safety and fire inspectors, plastic molding, asphalt,
marine and screen printing, measure ink and dryer temperature, HVAC/R,
diesel, fleet maintenance and much more.
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