The ray types you can measure are as follows:
• Gamma rays only as indicated by the y symbol on the ray selection switch.
With the switch in gamma rays position, an aluminium plate screens
the counter tube window against alpha and beta rays.
• Gamma and Beta rays as indicated by the ß + y symbols on the ray
selection switch.
With the switch in the gamma and beta rays position an aluminium
foil now screens the counter tube window against alpha rays.
• Alpha, Beta and Gamma rays as indicated by the
+ ß + y symbols on
the ray selection switch.
With the switch in the alpha, gamma and beta rays position the
counter tube window is now open to all three types of rays.
When the meter is on, press the
button to activate or deactivate the
LCD backlight. The backlight will automatically turn off after 1 minute.
Unit Conversion for Dose Rate
When the meter is powered ON the default unit of measurement is set to
μSv/h. Press the
button to convert the unit of measurement to mRem/h.
The conversion is based on the formula: 10μSv/h = 1mRem/h.
Dose Accumulation Rate
The absorbed dose is the radiation energy absorbed per unit mass
of human tissue and organs and is calculated in Sv or mSv.
1. Press the
button to enter the infinite dose accumulation mode,
and the icon "μSv" will appear on the display. This mode calculates
the dose accumulation rate for no set amount of time.
2. To enter the timed dose accumulation mode press the
button a
second time.
The default set time is 60 minutes. To modify the set time, refer to
Setting Timed Dose Accumulation
REED Instruments
1-877-849-2127 | [email protected] | www.reedinstruments.com