RS9116 n-Link Linux and Android Technical Reference Manual
Version : 2.0
July 2020
Input Parameters
VAP Name (string like wifi0, wifi1, etc.)
WMM Parameter Name (string like aifs, cwmin, cwmax, txop,
Integer value. The allowed values are as follows:
AIFSN – 1 to 15
Cwmin – 2
-1, where ‘n’ is between 1 and 4 for BE_Q and BK_Q
and between 1 and 3 for VI_Q and VO_Q.
Cwmax – 2
-1, where ‘n’ is between 1 and 6 for BE_Q, between 1
and 10 for BK_Q and between 1 and 4 for VI_Q and VO_Q.
TxOp – 0 for BE_Q, BK_Q, 94 for VI_Q and 47 for VO_Q
Access Category (string, as mapped below):
1) VO_Q – Voice data packets queue
2) VI_Q – Video data packets queue
3) BK_Q – Background data packets queue
4) BE_Q – Best effort data packets queue
Self or Broadcast selection (Self is for the module’s Access Point
VAP, Broadcast is for Clients connected to the Access Point)
Update Params (integer value mapped as below):
0 – To set more WMM Parameters
1 – To update current WMM Parameters
Output Parameter
Reset Required
# ./onebox_util <vap_name> setwmmparams
<wmm_param_name> <value> <access_category> <self/
broadcast> <update_params>
The command given below updates the AIFSN value for BE
Access category for connected Clients.
# ./onebox_util wifi0 setwmmparams aifsn 2 BE_Q broadcast 1
Set Country
This command is used to set the country for the n-Link® Module.
Default Value