RS9116 n-Link Linux and Android Technical Reference Manual
Version : 2.0
July 2020
Create a VAP The OneBox-
Mobile software allows
creation of 4 VAPs
This command is used to create a virtual interface (VAP) in the
operating mode specified.
The OneBox-Mobile software allows creation of 4 VAPs
Default Value
Input Parameters
Base Interface (string like rpine0)
VAP Name (string like wifi0, wifi1, etc.)
Operating Mode (string):
ap – Access Point Mode
sta – Station/Client Mode
p2p – P2P Mode
mon – Monitor Mode Refer to the section
more details.
Beacon Filtering after connecting to an Access Point (only for
Client mode). Valid inputs are:
sw_bmiss – Beacon filtering disabled. All beacons of connected
Access Point provided to Host driver.
hw_bmiss – Beacon filtering is enabled. The Beacon is provided
to Host driver when there is a change in the Beacon from the
connected Access Point.
This feature also programs the device to indicate to the Host
driver when 20 consecutive beacons are not received by the
Output Parameter
Reset Required
./onebox_util <base_interface> create_vap <vap_name>
The command given below creates a virtual interface named
wifi0 in the Client mode with Beacon filtering disabled.
/onebox_util rpine0 create_vap wifi0 sta sw_bm
Delete a VAP
This command is used to delete an existing virtual interface
Default Value