Stage 10:
Covering your greenhouse
To cover the greenhouse, pick a calm day.
Place the cover evenly over the frame with equal overhang on all four sides. (Fig 16)
(Fig 16)
Make sure the cover is pulled firmly down before you secure the sides into the alloy. It is important that the
cover is held in
to the alloy base with the L shaped PVC and this in turn is held in place with the L “button”
clips every 150
– 200mm. (Refer to the attached lock strip instructions).
At the ends you will need to crease / fold/ trim the cover, ensuring that the creases point downward to avoid
moisture collection, to fit into the alloy section.
(note: Green colour plastic insert have been allowed for
your door post and door head Lockstrip)
Do this using the Lockstrip® sheet guide as to the correct
insertion way for the PVC inserts and clips.
Get your cover on as tight as possible.
Stage 10:
Door assembly
All doors now come as a flat pack and must be assembled together. (Fig 17)
Lay out your side door rails with Lockstrip® (already attached) facing down and insert both of the door top
rails into place with Lockstrip® facing down. Then place central door rail in the middle with Lockstrip®
facing down then tek into place after checking door is square. Now tek both top rails to the side rails
making sure you keep the door square.
(Fig 17)