maxWerk - Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke
Published by RedMoon Music - www.RedMoon-Music.com
I. Concepts and a Tour
It's fine to explore maxWerk without first reading this Guide, by
simply entering some notes and playing with its various functions as
a voyage of discovery. The material that follows covers almost
everything you'll find out this way, and listed later on are
descriptions of maxWerk's key commands that expand on some of
the terms you'll see in the Key Commands reference window. Most
window-opening Key Commands are easy to remember because
they simply involve the shift key and the first letter of the window
name. Reading through this first section is valuable, however,
because it can give a perspective to help you consider and develop
your own style or approach to composing complete Werks.
Many play functions and parameter settings are not discussed in
this section, but you can often easily figure them out. If you can't,
look for descriptions in the second part of this Guide. If you are used
to the composing process, you will find many of the function and
parameter labels informative enough. The primary aim of this Guide
is to show how even if you have little knowledge of music theory or
keyboard playing skill, with maxWerk you can set up ambitious and
rewarding experiments in song-design.
1.1 Global Setup
On first launching maxWerk, you will need to modify and save the
"maxWerk_default_setup" file that lives in your maxWerk folder. This
prepares the program to talk to your synthesizer setup thereafter.
When you set tracks to GS mode, which is tailored to one of the
range of Roland Sound Canvas modules or other GS-compatible
synthesizers, this setup file, among other things, lets maxWerk
provide the correct alphabetized patch list for your particular model.
The maxWerk_default_setup set of customized, user-created data
remains separate from Werk (.mWk-suffixed) song-data files. In the
Global Setup window, which appears when you press the Main
Screen “Globals” button, you can enable GS or normal MIDI mode
for each OMS device you want to use, and confirm which one is to