maxWerk - Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke
Published by RedMoon Music -
A setting for the end bar is next in line as we move toward the right
side of the play parameters panel. A similar end bar setting in the
Automutes window determines the point after which maxWerk
automatically stops playing all tracks, and for convenience you can
set one bar number there that triggers ending behavior globally.
However, once you have done this you can set earlier end bars
individually by track in the Note Editor. At the end bar for a Basic
Loop, maxWerk converts all pattern notes to the current tonic value.
You can apply coordinated end bar settings, perhaps in combination
with delayed muting and an extra bar of play set globally in the
Automutes window, to bring your Werk to a pleasing close.
The transpose menu enables loop transposing by default, allowing
chordal changes driven by maxWerk's stored data or by your live
playing. You can obtain droning notes and use Basic Loops
effectively for non-pitched instrument patterns if you disable this
function so that the defaulted state of transposition for the loop
remains unchanged.
The third transpose-menu option alt-loop inversions applies its
processing on alternate repetitions to Scale pitches 2 thru 7,
whatever their play direction. For example, a note and rest pattern
of 1 1 0 2 3 4 5 5 becomes 1 1 0 7 6 5 4 4. Values 1 and 8
remain unchanged. This has the effect of changing the chordal
response to transpositions during alternate loops, and you can
exploit this as a feature if it pleases your ear. Layer this function with
pitch rotating options to defy analysis! If you use it along with
maxWerk's general transposing capabilities, interesting dissonances
will emanate from this track on every other loop.
The track name button lets you enter up to 12 characters, which
subsequently appear the Editor window, on the Main Screen track
panels, in maxWerk's various indicator labels, in loop-copy menus,
and in the Leadsheet.
2.6 Step-Split Tracks
maxWerk makes it easy to create an overly dense texture of notes
from overlapping patterns, filling the empty spaces that are always