Possible causes
Recommended step
Electrical motor makes sudden move-
ment when you push the power trig-
ger, then stops.
Short circuit in control unit.
Replace the control unit.
Product stops when you apply work
Defective connection in keypad con-
Make sure that the power connectors
between battery and product are
clean and not damaged.
Keypad lights flash.
Defective connection in keypad con-
Make sure that the keypad connector
is correctly assembled, dry, not dam-
aged and that there is no corrosion.
Short circuit in keypad.
Replace keypad.
Changing motor speed.
Defective connection in main switch
signal connector.
Make sure that the keypad connector
is correctly assembled, dry, not dam-
aged and that there is no corrosion.
Damaged or worn main switch.
Replace keypad.
A warning sign on keypad flashes
Temperature too high.
Wait for the product to become cool
(max. 5 min.).
Temperature of control unit or battery
too low.
Make sure that the product and the
battery is not colder than -10° C.
Front handle safety switch is caught
in engaged position.
Disassemble front handle and re-
move dirt.
A warning sign on the keypad flashes
after start. The product then stops.
Power trigger is pushed during start.
Do not push the power trigger when
you start the product.
Water in main switch signal connec-
Disassemble and dry the stop signal
connector and then assemble it.
Short circuit in keypad.
Replace the keypad.
Short circuit in main switch.
Replace the main switch.
A warning sign on the keypad flashes
after start. The product hangs up with
the green led on.
The signal between battery and prod-
uct is defective.
Make sure that the power connectors
between the battery and the product
are not dirty or damaged.
Make sure that the small cables be-
tween connector and the control unit
are not loose or damaged.
Product works but there is no indica-
tion light on the keypad.
Defective connection in keypad con-
Do a check of the keypad function in
battery diagnostic tool. Make sure
that the keypad connector is correctly
assembled, dry, not damaged and
that there is no corrosion.
Broken keypad.
Replace the keypad.
Product starts immediately when bat-
tery is added, without pressing the
Short circuit in keypad.
Replace the keypad.
A warning sign on keypad shows a
red light.
Permanent error codes prevent the
product from running.
Erase error codes in diagnostic tool.
Broken control unit.
Replace control unit.
Product shows red light after instal-
ling a new control unit.
Spare part comes without software.
Use diagnostic tool to install software.
6.5 Troubleshooting the control unit
Do a check that the blade terminals and wires are not
bent or damaged.
(A) 4.8x0.8mm M phase (Gray wire)
(B) 4.8x0.8mm M phase (Black wire)
(C) 4.8x0.8mm M phase (Red wire)
16 - Troubleshooting
572 - 001 - 28.03.2018