The Battery system should be checked regularly as part of your system maintenance cycle, or at least every
6 months. These checks include:
Check the battery Display to confirm all batteries are operating as expected. Current and odometer
readings are similar in each battery (/-5%)
All LED indicators on the batteries are on.
Check for any obstructions placed around the battery that may reduce ventilation.
Check for animals, insects or creatures nesting in or around the battery system.
Check for build-up of any foreign objects in or around the cabinet.
Check battery connections and cables for secure fitting or cable damage. (eg rats eating the cables)
Additional batteries
One of the key advantages of the modular self-managed TROPPO battery design is that additional
batteries can be added to an existing TROPPO installation at a later date. Additional battery modules can
be ordered from RedEarth together with the required battery cables. Some parameters of the inverter/
charger may need to be adjusted to get the best performance from the new larger battery bank, e.g.
increase the charging current setting. RedEarth’s own systems that are being monitored by RedEarth can
often be remotely updated. Talk to RedEarth’s technical support team when you order your extra batteries.
RACK19 battery rack system
RedEarth can supply the system in the following sizes;
Indoor rated (IP20):
18RU = 7 to 9 TROPPO batteries (7 if the additional Battery Breaker
Victron BMV shelf is used
22RU = 9 to 11 batteries
27 RU = 11 to 13 batteries
42 RU – 19-21 batteries – this system normally does not include a
built-in Battery breaker as usually and external one is used.
Outdoor rated: (IP54+):
Different configurations are available. These can be with
or without air-conditioning. This is an example of an
IP55 rated battery cabinet with air-conditioning that
RedEarth carries in stock. It can hold 20-22 batteries
(depending on whether the main Battery breaker is
required internally).
XII. Maintenance
XIII. Options Available from RedEarth