A manufacturer of steel I-beams requires a load test to record
t h e d e f l e c t i o n u n d e r f u l l l o a d f o r e a c h b a t c h o f I - b e a m s
manufactured. A deflection transducer with a 3 mV/V linearized
output over 0.0000 - 0.1000" range is used. An Apollo Intelligent
Meter for Strain Gage Inputs with serial communications and
alarm options is used to satisfy this application.
The 5 VDC excitation is selected, resulting in a 15 mV full scale
output. The 20 mV range of the IMS is selected and the display is
digitally scaled to read 0.0000" @ 0 mV and 0.1000" @ 15 mV.
The Reset/Hold pin is programmed for the Tare
function, and is used to zero the reading before the load is applied.
Alarm #1 is set to the maximum allowable deflection of the
I-beam under test and is used to sound an audible alarm if the
maximum deflection is reached. From a remote terminal, the peak
deflection can be monitored and recorded, and the indicator’s
alarm values can be changed to suit different size I-beams.