RechargX™ RX201X v1
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In the following steps we will be resetting
the flag gear on the black toner cartridge. If you
are refilling one of the color toner cartridges please
proceed to step 16.
Step 14: Locate the Tab on the Flag gear
on the Black Cartridge
To reset the flag gear you must first locate
the tabs on the flag gear itself. The tab is
found in the seven o’clock position on the flag
gear, shown by the white circle in figure 14.
Step 15: Resetting the Flag gear
You’ll need to rotate the flag gear counter
clockwise just far enough so the tab in the
seven o’clock position is now in the five o’clock
position. The path from the seven o’clock to
the five o’clock is shown by the red arrow in
figure 15a.
Using the thumb of your left hand, hold the
metal spring in place so it doesn’t pop off
while the other hand grabs and lifts up slightly
making sure not to remove the flag gear from
the cartridge (figure 15b).
With the gear lifted up, rotate it counter clockwise
so the tab in the seven o’clock position of the gear
is in its new location in the five o’clock position, as
shown in figure 15c.
Continue to step 18 on page nine of these
Figure 14:
Locate the second tab on the flag gear
Figure 15a:
The path of the tab on the lower left of the gear
Figure 15b:
Hold the metal spring in place and lift up
slightly on the flag gear
Figure 15c:
Tab in it’s new location