Some TV programs are broadcast with stereo audio or a
Second Audio Program (SAP) which offers a second language.
The reception feature lets you select the type of audio you want
to record. Press 1 to switch between Reception: STEREO, MONO,
and SAP.
Select STEREO for normal or stereo broadcast TV recording.
Select MONO if the stereo signal is weak and the sound is too
Select SAP to record a Second Audio Program instead of
normal audio on both the Hi-Fi and linear tracks.
Tape Playback
The VCR records the same audio on both Hi-Fi and linear tracks
on the tape. Hi-Fi sound is recorded on a separate left and right
stereo channels. Monaural sound is recorded on the linear track.
Press 2 to switch between tape playback: HI-FI, LINEAR, and MIX.
To enjoy Hi-Fi sound, connect your VCR to a stereo television or
amplifier/receiver using the audio/video jacks. The Tape Playback
feature lets you select which audio you use during playback.
Select HI-FI to play back sound recorded on the Hi-Fi track
and for normal use.
Select LINEAR to play back sound recorded on a linear
monaural track, such as a Second Audio Program (SAP),
or a dubbed voice.
Select MIX to play back the sound recorded on both the
linear and Hi-Fi tracks, sound-on-sound.