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Make lines 3/16” off the centerline on either side, from the 2½” to 5½” marks. This
defines a box which will later be cut out to allow the installation of the Graupner stuffing
box. We will call this “Area A.”
If you are setting up your boat for racing, it is wise to offset the prop shaft at an angle.
Our racing boats are set such that the prop is about ½” to the left of the boat from center.
This causes the hole to be offset slightly. NOTE: The Graupner hardware is not intended
for serious racing! Racers – send an e- mail for recommendations.
Make lines 5/8” off the centerline on either side, between the 10” and 13¾” marks. This
defines a box which will be the glue area for the Graupner motor mount. We will call
this “Area B.” Whether you are racing or not, Area B does not change. If you intend to
use an Astro Flight motor, you will need to devise your own motor mount, as the
Graupner mount does not accept the large brush hoods. We strongly recommend the use
of a Cordite motor for racing this boat.
For racers who chose to not purchase the Graupner hardware kit, we recommend using a
plywood motor mount which puts the motor very close to the bottom of the boat. The
“firewall” portion of this mount is available upon request. This motor mount will replace
step 6.
Use coarse (80 grit) sandpaper to roughen the bottom of the motor
mount. Smear some well- mixed 30-minute epoxy on the bottom of the mount, and place
inside the boat using the lines for Area B as a guide. NOTE: it may be useful to use CA
glue to tack the mount into position so the epoxy can cure without the motor mount
3 3/4"