In addition to the sounds played by custom functions, there are a few predefined sounds that will be played
automatically when an event happens if an appropriately named file is placed in the right folder.
Currently the following events are supported:
Flight Mode Change:
When flight mode is activated, file
/SOUNDS/(selected_language)/modelname/flightmodename-ON.wav is played if present
When flight mode is deactivated, file
/SOUNDS/(selected_language)/modelname/flightmodename-OFF.wav is played if present.
The "modelname" and "flightmodename" folder should be identical (including case) to your model's name and flight
mode name respectively, with spaces replaced by underscores. Of course only the files you want and place on the
card will be played, if something doesn't interest you then just don't put a file for it.
Global variables
We have already mentioned how global variables could be used to group multiple adjustments in one place, and to
make that adjustment flight mode specific. It was also noted that these could be adjusted in flight - this is done
using the Adjust GVx custom functions. Any time the custom function's switch is ON, the value of the global
variable will follow the selected input. As a reminder, there are 4 groups of inputs that can be switched between by
pressing ENTER LONG on the input field, and don't forget to tick the safety box once you're done configuring and
you've made sure the switch is off - again to avoid overwriting your GVAR by mistake while scrolling the source list.
This is the way to adjust values in flight. The custom function's switch serves as a "lock" to freeze the value or
allow adjustment. When a variable is being updated, a popup with the variable name and new value will show up
on the main views.
One of the available sources for adjusting global vars is the list of channels. This is probably the main way you'll
use to adjust GVARs for a simple reason: Let's say you want to adjust a D/R ratio with the S1 pot. If you select
GV1 as the weight parameter of that rate line and just use the Adjust GV1 custom function with S1 as source, you
will now be adjusting your rate between -100% and +100%. Being able to disable and even reverse your rate
doesn't sound terribly fun, so you'll want to limit the adjustment range. The easiest way is to use a free channel for
that. Create a mixer line on say CH12, and use the weight/offset/curve parameters to make that channel's output
cover a range of say +50 to +80% over the pot's throw. Then, set the Adjust GV1 source to CH12.
A few interaction examples
The power of the system now comes from the combination of the different features. Custom switches can be used
to create conditions that will trigger audio playback, for example using custom switch "CS1|d|>x Alt 10" as trigger
for "Play Value Alt" would result in the altitude being announced every time it has changed by 10m/ft. "CS2 a<x
Spd 35" triggering "Play Track lowspd" would play the lowspd.wav file on the SD card, that could be recorded to
say "Low Speed" when GPS speed got under 35km/h. If you have several parameters you want to have
announced sequentially on request, you could set several Play Value Custom Functions all triggered by the
SHdown momentary switch as shown above. A press of this switch will then trigger playback of all the parameters
one after the other.
But as we know that custom switches can be used anywhere a switch is definable, nothing prevents you from
reusing that same CS2 to trigger automatic flaps deployment once speed got below 35km/h. That's right, anything
can be used to affect anything.